Udacity's Website Performance Optimization Course Project by nicbuitr

Nicbuitr's Profile Picture Thumbnail

Nicolás Buitrago (nicbuitr)
Course Student

I love web development! This is a template for a simple portfolio. I decided to use it to showcase a few Udacity courses I've taken and some teaching work, but you can use it to showcase any kind of project that you want the world to see :)
Contact me: me@email.com
Build Your Own 2048 Thumbnail
Build Your Own 2048!

I made my own version of 2048. How cool is that!?

Website Performance Optimization Thumbnail
Website Performance Optimization

Hey... this class looks familiar.

Mobile Web Development Thumbnail
Mobile Web Development

Making mobile apps isn't so hard after all.

Nico's Pizzeria Thumbnail
Nico's Pizzeria

Who wants a performant pizza?